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Home Decor

Want to Transform Your Home? Go Traveling!


A cozy interior is a place where you feel relaxed and comfortable. It is really inspiring! But it often happens that the interior design seems boring. It is time to think about the changes. Do you want to paint the walls? How about the wooden interior? If it is not enough for you, you should take a break and go traveling. Why? Sometimes, two days at the seaside is enough to change your room interior head-to-toe. When you travel you meet new people, experience new food, activities, new culture. So, when you feel you got stuck in your interior, use Enterprise Austin airport to find a car in the fastest way and get away from it all for some time. Get some inspiration and make changes in your life and your room!

Modern living-room.



  1. Pictures

All travelers like picturing. You can print amazing photos, make wall collage to decorate your room and let your friends experience your adventures.

Kitchen - Condo Apartment Flat Condominium Bright Modern Stylish Luxury (15)


  1. Colors and textiles

Every country you visit has its own style, colors, materials. These things can amazingly add some charm to your interior. You can find authentic shops to buy something special from there.

  1. New culture

A new culture can influence your interior. Thus, you can change your kitchen and take it to the outdoor area or create a kind of patio like Italians usually do.

  1. Furniture

Traveling to different countries you meet different furniture. Some of them are really unique pieces of arts. You can find analogues at home and use it for your home decor.

  1. Art

You can simply buy a picture you like and put it in your living room.

Spray Paint a Sunburst Mirror



There are many interesting but simple ideas how you can change your home interior even if you don’t have time and money for traveling.

Small rooms paint light

If your room is pretty small and you want to maximize a small living space you can paint it light and soft. Large windows, soft colors, mirrors make your room seem larger.

More light and mirrors

As it was said before, you should add large windows, more light and mirrors to your interior. Natural light plays a big role same as lamps and chandeliers. Don’t be afraid to put some decorative mirrors on the empty wall space.

Mix up different textures

Don’t be afraid to combine different textures in the room interior. What does it mean? You can mix old and new stuff. Also, your cheap handmade picture frame always looks good on your textile wallpapers. There’s nothing wrong if you place your old granny’s sofa in the modern interior. Every your idea seems to be good if you feel comfortable in it. There is no reason why different interior items cannot coexist in your room. The same is about different arts. You can paint your wall in your own style and place a painting by Monet and Dali side by side. The same way you can place different colors, rugs, pillows and make your living space special.

Silk Asian Rug


Add green

Do you want your room look fresh and more convenient? Try to add more green colors around. It’s not about painting. You can add plants to your space. Put them few or many, big or small, flowered or not. This is not only a refreshing accessory but clean air and beautiful view. Don’t be afraid to add flowerpots to your kitchen, living room or even bathroom area.

Decorate your bookcases

Why? This is the fastest way to add some extra color to your interior. It is a good idea when you don’t want to spend efforts for painting walls. Just paint your bookcase bright and transform your space. Which way? Of course, you can paint it. Also, you can add more creative ideas and wallpaper your bookcase. Make your interior unexpected and your old bookcase is the first step. It doesn’t take much time and paints. Also, this is a good try to start room transformation with the small but central item. Later, you can try to decorate floor or ceiling.

Zierpflanze in einem Restaurant. Innendekoration


Use rugs and carpets

That’s really good when you have wooden floor in your area. It is natural material and always looks perfect whatever you put on it. Just cover it with a woolen rug. Hardwood floors feel great covered by the natural heavy rugs and carpets. What about the laminated floor? You may add silk carpets or hand-made fluffy rug. Sometimes, it can fun or too official but it’s good if your feel comfortable in your interior.

Now you can see how five simple steps are able to change your mood and your home. You don’t need to be a famous skilled designer. You can discuss your ideas with your friends in the café or take them from your favorite movie. It doesn’t matter WHERE. The matter is WHY. Still hungry for ideas? Go traveling!

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